HScope Update 2020/2021

Here are the new features developed in 2020/2021 (users with the last license purchase before 2020 can activate these features through the Update 2020/2021 in the License panel).

1. Waveform Histogram

Histograms are graphical representations of data which divides it into intervals or bins. These intervals/bins are plotted on a bar chart such that the bar height relates to the number of data points inside each interval/bin as a function of the data value.

The following screenshots shows a series of typical waveforms, withthe associated histograms of the sample values in the blue bar graph.

The histogram gives us an approximation of the probability density function (pdf) of a set of values.  The shape of the pdf tells us about the underlying process.  In the case of the sine wave, remember that the rate of change of the sine is maximum at the zero crossings and minimum at the positive and negative peaks.  When we sample the waveform uniformly, we get more samples at the peaks and much fewer at the zero crossings. This is due to the differences in the rate of change, thus explaining the shape of the histogram.  For the case of the triangle wave, the rate of change is constant, so samples are taken evenly. This results in what is called a uniform distribution. 

Setting up a Histogram

Press the stats button in the channel of interest until the Histogram chart appear.

2. PWM Generator

This module allow to use the output calibration pin (generally set to 1KHz square wave) to generate a PWM output signal. Max frequency and duty cycle range depends on the device (detail are in each oscilloscope page).

3. Alarm cursors

Horizontal cursors can be alarmed to produce a sound when the signal goes over or under the cursor level. When you select an horizontal cursor you can see the bell icon on the top and click it to select the kind of alarm (over / below / off).

In the settings you can select the alert sound kind.

4. Four Channels Support

4 Channels support for Import/Export files. Currently only Hantek 1008 support 4 channels acquisition.

5. Upgraded XY Module

  • Improved performances for real-time processing
  • Added fading graphic effect
  • Renewed UI for bigger graph space

6. Extended Export Capabilities

  • With the Automotive Module it is possible to export CSV files up to 1ML data points (previous limit: 64K points).
  • It is possible to export waveform also in a temporary cloud space (2 weeks retention) and quick share the waveform number for other users to import.

7. Demodulation Function in Math Module

  • Added demodulation function for vibration sensors.

8. FFT Improvements

  • Support for channel selection (including Math channel)
  • Vertical Cursor show harmonics