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HScope App
This app is currently self-sustainable and in continous development thanks to a growing community of experts who use it, provide feedback and suggest improvements.
Having your oscilloscope supported by HScope means to provide to your customers a solid app with a unique experience grown with thousands of customers around the world.
We encourage producers to partner with us to see their products supported by this app.
Requirements for a new Oscilloscope
To support a new oscilloscope in HScope it is required for us to develop a specific low level driver. Due to the particularity of the Android environment and the high performances required by the app, we do not use pre-compiled libraries but we self write an optimized driver knowing the low level communication protocoll of the device.
During the driver development we conduct several tests on the driver interactions with the hardware so also the hardware is required.
Wrapping up it is required to provide:
- A sample oscilloscope
- Information of the communication protocol (USB or WiFi or Bluetooth)
At the moment (Nov 2022) we do not ask any fee to producers for implementing the driver for their device in HScope. The driver development will be provided as-is at the best of the app capabilities.
But to keep a fair threatment towards producers, this policy is not valid for those producers who has been already contacted by us. Requests of interest previously ignored by producers may be reconsidered in future by appling a fee.
Requirements for a new Probe
Probe configurations can be downloaded directly from HScope cloud service. Producers can see their probe listed in HScope with the link of the product page on their website.
To list a new Probe in HScope it is required to provide:
- Probe configuration parameters (tests run by the producer)
- Link to the product page
- Link to HScope app on the producer website or on the product page (sample on banner picture)

The probe will be listed in HScope until the producer keep in line with the requirements.
support [at]