Breadboard Power Module
The 3.3V/5V output Breadboard power supply module is an easy to use breadboard component that can be added with any breadboard related projects where 5V, 3.3V or both power sources are required. Its ease of use allows users to provide DC stable power without any wire or external source. The board has two independent channels of power output for breadboards. These power channels can be independently configured for 3.3V, 0V, and 5V operations.

The module also offers a push switch to turn OFF and ON the entire power supply module.
An additional feature is the current protection offered by solid state fuses.
The power LED will notify the user of line power availability status. In case of shortcut of one of the power lines, the correponding LED will turn off.

Features and specification of 3.3V/5V Output Breadboard Power Supply Module
- Input voltage: provided by 16340 3.7V Battery chargeable with Micro-USB cable
- Two Independent Channels
- Output voltage: 5V, 3.3V (adjustable via jumpers. 0V, 3.3V, and 5V configuration)
- Output current: Maximum output current 500mA
- Onboard berg male header for GND, 5V, 3.3V output
- ON-OFF Switch available.
- Onboard power LED for each power line
- Dimension: 53mm x 35mm (L x W)
- Schematic, PCB and components list are available on GitHub.
Additional Information
This project has been developed with the support of: