This device driver is currently under testing (released on Sep 2020). Available since HScope version 2.3.0.
Specifications *
- Effective ADC bits (without error): 7 bits @ 100MSa/s (quite 8 bits @ lower rates)
- Min sampling rate: 500 Sa/s
- Max sampling rate (2 channels): 100 MSa/s / channel
- Input range: ±150mV to ±17V
- Number of samples each scan: up to 32 kSa / channel
- Waveform update rate (2 channels, @ 100MSa/s): 13-15 wfms/sec
- Roll Mode: supported, up to 10KSa/s
- AC/DC: hardware
- Requires Android 9
- Signal Generator not supported
Modules Support
- Automotive Module: supported up to 10KSa/s
- Audio Module: NOT supported
- Hardware AC/DC coupling
- High ADC rate (up to 100Msa/channel)
- Long memory buffer (256kSa/channel but on HScope provide just 64 kSa/channel)
- Large Input range (up to ±17V)
- Low real-time transfer speed (up to 10kSa/s)
Additional Notes
- Total memory buffer of 512K samples, split among the 2 channels (256K samples each).
- It acquires always 2 channels data even if one of the channels is disabled.
- Original software roll mode is set at 1KSa/s. In HScope this is extended to 10KSa/s.
- ±300mV range has been found not linear.
External Resources
- Instrustar ISDS210 Vendor Website